I'm doing this on Ubuntu on Windows 10, Any recent Ubuntu system should have similar if not the same methods of starting.
if you don't have cmake and the gnu c++ compiles:
sudo apt-get install build-essential
sudo apt-get install cmake
if you want to build tiny-dnn with Intel Threading Building Blocks:
sudo apt-get install libtbb-dev
1) clone repo:
git clone https://github.com/tiny-dnn/tiny-dnn
2) Build
cd tiny-dnn
the most simple option is
cmake .
If you're building with TBB then:
cmake -DUSE_TBB=ON
the build should end with no errors.
3) Building a program:
create a simple program
for my system, I have to add "#include " to get the program to compile or it will start emitting build errors such as:
I'm going to use one of the sample code in the documentation that constructs a MLP.
// filename: sample.cpp
#include "tiny_dnn/tiny_dnn.h"
using namespace tiny_dnn;
using namespace tiny_dnn::activation;
using namespace tiny_dnn::layers;
void construct_mlp() {
network net;
net << fc(32 * 32, 300)
<< fc(300, 10);
assert(net.in_data_size() == 32 * 32);
assert(net.out_data_size() == 10);
int main()
once done compile it (/mnt/e/linuxbuild/tiny-dnn being the directory that was cloned from github and built in #1 and #2)
g++ -pthread -std=c++11 -I /mnt/e/linuxbuild/tiny-dnn sample.cpp
The compiler should build a.out binary successfully.