As a practice I decided to try tailing the mongo oplog with Perl. I've written the code with Go and Python to deal with Mongo oplog not long ago so it's still fresh. Turns out it's fairly easy to do for Perl
use MongoDB; | |
print "hello "; | |
use feature ':5.10'; # for say | |
use Data::Dumper; | |
my $mongo_client = MongoDB::MongoClient->new(host=>'',port=>7017); | |
=begin comment | |
obtaining oplog from "local" db | |
Every mongod instance has its own local database, | |
which stores data used in the replication process, | |
and other instance-specific data. The local database is invisible to replication: collections in the local database are not replicated. | |
=cut | |
my $db = $mongo_client->get_database('local'); | |
my $ops_col = $db->get_collection(''); | |
my $cursor = $ops_col->find({}); | |
$cursor->tailable_await(1); | |
while(true){ | |
say "polling\n"; | |
while ( my $doc = $cursor->next ) { | |
say Dumper($doc); | |
} | |
sleep(2); | |
} |