Thursday, November 6, 2008

I love VirtualBox

I've been playing around with VirtualBox lately, it's a lot smaller than the new VMWare Server 2, and it takes up less disk and memory footprint since VMWare Server 2.0 installs a tomcat HTTP management server by default.

I was rather biased against VirtualBox in the past, I didn't feel the need to replace my VMServer test lab till the changes in VMWare server 2.0 made me re-evaluate using VirtualBox as a test lab.

I've gotten used to having to bridge the Virtualbox network interface to the Host's LAN to enable the guest machine to connect to the Host's network ... I must admit that VMware is a a little more convenient in that aspect. I've also managed to BSOD my 64bit XP bridging the interface. I couldn't boot up either. I'll face a dump screen before even seeing the loging screen. It was caused by Comodo firewall driver, uninstalling made the BSODs go away...

Duplication of virtual harddisks isn't as simple as just doing a "cp source.vdi", you've got to use "vboxmanage clonevdi source.vdi target.vdi" but nevertheless I'm quite used to it by now.