Friday, November 27, 2009

Ubuntu on MSI Wind U100

Got my Wind Netbook yesterday, took out Windows 7 and installed Ubuntu Karmic Koala. The distribution do not run well on Wind. The brightness control will increase and decrease by itself for about 2-3 minutes till the system settles down.

The solution was to downgrade to 9.04(Jaunty Jackalope). That worked well enough but I'm a little disappointed that I can't use 9.10. Karmic has nicer GUI and package management enhancements which I was used to.

Hoping that the bugs will be fixed in the near future.

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where did lighttpd go?

Bummer, site seems to be down. Think I'll use Mongoose httpd instead.

Subversion and Google Projects

Installed Subversive

Useful link

Checking out projects from Google Code - the URL should be configured as:

SVN client on eclipse

SubEclipse works perfectly when installed in Windows but not Ubuntu. You'll receive a dialog "Unable to load default SVN Client". It's because the Linux version does not come with JavaHL .

Apparently installation of JavaHL isn't straightforward.

I've found an alternative:

Will be trying this out.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I've avoided doing any HTML/Javascript related work since HTML 3.2
Lately I've noticed HTML 5 being talked about in the usual tech forums and I thought it's just some incremental improvements with a video tag being thrown in. I was mistaken.

The proposed HTML 5 standard apparently covers not just video, but how you can manipulate images and shapes in the browser as well. The appearance of the canvas element should be a welcomed specification. Finally Flash will not be the only player in town(Silverlight too?).

I'll be looking closely at the canvas element. Graphics is something I love playing with since the microcomputer days( 10 GR: 20 PLOT 10,20)

Back to my google wave gadget...

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Server Name Indicator

Something to think about next time when deploying servers.

Noticed Google App hosting doesn't support it now.